
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Personal Favorites

I had a dream last night that I died and traveled to meet my maker. When I got to the gates Peter was standing there with a little funny smile , shaking his head. well needless to say I didn't feel overly confident about my chances of bouncing from cloud to cloud anytime soon.

Hey Pete , What's up? I said , figuring what the hell , I'll be there soon enought. in one hand he had a lone sheet of paper with his other arm leaning on what looked like the , " The Books of History Chronicles." Ya know Mick , looking at the lone sheet , you done some good and interesting things in your life. looking to his left he said. , " and then there's this!"  I'm thinking , there isn't anything interesting in that big pile?

smiling , he put his arm on my shoulders , walking me away from the gates and tells me, " I like you kid , you were good for a few laughs but I just can't let you in right now . you're going to have to spend a little time in the sweat box."

 the good news is that I would be allowed to take one CD with me to listen to while I burn off the fat of sin. so off I go with my copy of ...

Note : With the exception of the song " Dimples "  , all the songs were produced by Van Morrison and Mike Kappus.

other personal favorites are:

Albert King     ~~ Born under a bad sign ~~  when you listen to Clapton , Hendrix , the Allman brothers, Stevie Ray Vaughn and countless other pretenders you are really listening to Albert King.

BB King            ~~ Live in Cook County Jail ~~ No I wasn't there .

Billie Holiday   ~~ Love Songs ~~

Van Morrison  ~~ The Healing Game ~~

So I'm now sweating and dancing away the sins of my fat , waiting on my star in the heaven's. 


Anonymous said...

This is a really good one Mickey, I think you're a good writer! I read them but don't alwyas have time to comment. I also like the Cream version of Born Under a Bad Sign. Rock ON! Sister Janice in SoCal

Mickey said...

Hi Janice, Thanks for the kind words.I understand about time , there is never enough.

I don't know about being a good writer , I just say what comes to mind and try to be honest.

Thanks again.

Where we come from is as important as where we are heading