
Monday, May 16, 2011

Just another black sheep

having lived a colorful , interesting and at times even bizarre life , I have come to realize that not everyone appreciates my carefree , happy go lucky attitude. such being the Canadian government , which views it more as a blight on society.

heading out to attend a workshop in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia I arrived at the border crossing in Calais, Me. only to find out I was going to be turned away. I must admit I have had better moments, mostly due to the ridiculous way the whole situation was handled.

Lord knows over the years I have made more then my share of mistakes and have a few regrets along the way but I have lived my life on my own terms and have always been willing to pay the high price that comes with it. and continue to pay for the choices I've made.

thanks to the support and sense of humor of my family and friends it wasn’t long before I buried this and moved on.I would also like to thank the people of the workshop group for their support , kindness and understanding . their efforts will always be remembered and appreciated.

it’s been a wild , crazy and goofy ride so far , with this having been just another pothole along my wacky trail.

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Where we come from is as important as where we are heading