
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Power of Kindness

From " The power of Kindness"

If we trust in the world , we can be crushed . Far to often it ends that way . But the alternative is worst still , because if we do not put ourselves on the line , nothing will happen.

I understand this all to well and continue living a much fuller life taking the chances.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Stressful struggle for life

I love photographing trees , each one , like people , have there own personality . their interaction with others and how they deal with survival . They are just more grounded then people . hug a tree today. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Long long day

Was up at 3 am to go shooting with my dear friend Chris Pettet at West Chop . nothing was open for breakfast so said my good-byes and rushed to catch the 7 am ferry back to the mainland. a 4 hour drive home and after lugging everything in from the car I started working on photos.

Finally got to bed and laid there for an hour and a half , my body feeling like it just went 15 rounds with Mike Tyson but my brain running on damn the torpedoes , full speed ahead . so now I'm sitting here like it's between worlds , thinking it's been a while since I posted anything , so what the hell , here is a few photos from the week.

Where we come from is as important as where we are heading